Safelandings is an official document that outlines safeguarding policies and procedures for British Judo and all of it’s home nations: JudoScotland, Northern Ireland Judo Federation and Welsh Judo.
Safelandings should be used as an initial point of reference for clubs and individuals regarding child protection matters.
Click here to download British Judo’s Safelandings (updated June 2024)
Please see a short version overview of the safelandings document (this relates to the revised version that will be issued in April 2024 following consultation with all Home Nation Judo Associations). The short version was reviewed by BJA Young Leaders Forum and they have given positive feedback on its content and see this as appropriate young person friendly and see it as a useful guide in addition for junior members.
Click here to download British Judo’s Safelandings short version (July 2024)
If you have any questions surrounding Safelandings or child protection in general, please contact safeguarding@britishjudo.org.uk