
Introducing Parents In Sport Week 2020
Parents in Sport week is NSPCC's annual campaign to raise awareness…

Grab 10% off "Safeguarding & Protecting Children" Courses in September
Wessex Coach Education are offering all British Judo members…

Vacancy: Safeguarding Case Management Personnel
The British Judo Association are looking to expand the membership…

UK Coaching Launch Virtual Classroom for Safeguarding and Protecting Children Certification
In response to the exceptional circumstances we find ourselves…

British Judo Statement: Safeguarding Update
British Judo, in association with Sport England, appointed Lime…

BJA Safeguarding Update - February 2020
British Judo takes Safeguarding very seriously and has a range…

Statement: Safeguarding Procedures
British Judo have recently been made aware of a web article being…

2019 Club Welfare Officers Conference Coming In November
We are pleased to announce that we will be hosting a Club Welfare…

Make The Positive Parents Promise Today with NSPCC
Ahead of Parents in Sport Week 2019 (7th - 13th October), the…