
mat walk

Upcoming Safeguarding Workshops

There are a range of dates available throughout the coming months…

SPC & TTL upcoming courses

We have upcoming Safeguarding And Protecting Children (SPC) Workshops…

Preventing abuse in Positions of Trust Closing the Loophole – A change in the Law

For many years sport in general, and the BJA in particular, have…

Sami Smithson: Head of Inclusion, Safeguarding and Wellbeing.

The British Judo Association is delighted to announce the appointment…
Club Welfare Officer

Club Welfare Officer Update

After a recent meeting with the British Judo Association Board…

NSPCC - Body Image, Weight Management and Disordered eating in sport Podcast

Competitive Judo is fought in weight divisions and that can bring…

Safeguarding Update: July 2021

Welcome to the July Safeguarding update from BJA Safeguarding…

12 New Club Welfare Officers Complete Virtual Time to Listen Course

As part of Safeguarding Adults Week, we are delighted that 12…

Safeguarding Update - October 2020

Welcome to the October Safeguarding update which includes information…