
Dan Grade Promotions - October 2023
Moving into the Dan grades is a special moment that all judoka…

Dan Grade Promotions - August and September 2023
Moving into the Dan grades is a special moment that all judoka…

Dan Grade Promotions - July 2023
Moving into the Dan grades is a special moment that all judoka…

Dan Grade Promotions - June 2023
Moving into the Dan grades is a special moment that all judoka…

Dan Grade Promotions - May 2023
Moving into the Dan grades is a special moment that all judoka…

Dan Grade Promotions - April 2023
Moving into the Dan grades is a special moment that all judoka…

Looking to gain or improve your Dan grade?
Samurai Judo Club, who recently celebrated six new promotions…

Dan Grade Promotions - March 2023
Moving into the Dan grades is a special moment that all judoka…

Dan Grade Promotions - February 2023
Moving into the Dan grades is a special moment that all judoka…

Dan Grade Promotions - January 2023
Moving into the Dan grades is a special moment that all judoka…