National Commission & Area Refereeing Contacts
National Refereeing Commission
James McBeath – Chairman
International Referee
Carol Leverton – Secretary and judogi control lead
Honorary Continental Referee
Email: cazjudo5@gmail.com
Keith Merrick – Executive liaison and education lead
International Referee
Archi Shrimpton – Technical and complaints lead
International Referee
Martin Rivers – Examinations and ranking lead
International Referee
Stefan Newbury – International events lead
International Referee
Dan Harris – Area engagement, talent and communications lead
National A Referee
If you wish to contact a member of the National Refereeing Commission, you can do so via the Secretary.
Area Refereeing Representatives
Area Refereeing Representatives are the primary contact point for new and existing referees within their area. They will provide courses for new referees and those looking for promotion up to National C.
Eastern | Mark Waterhouse | ref@markwaterhouse.com |
Judo Scotland | Neil Malone | neil.malone2@btinternet.com |
London | Martin Bull | martinbull1965@gmail.com |
Midlands | Carol Leverton | cazjudo5@gmail.com |
NHC | Dan Harris | dwrharris@hotmail.com |
Northern Ireland | Stephen Sims | refereeing@nijudo.com |
North West | Dave Harrison | tuftysandan@googlemail.com |
Northern | Alan Heron | alanjanetheron@gmail.com |
Police | Graham Bayley | graham.bayley@ntlworld.com |
Southern | Graham Holmes | glholmes6@sky.com |
Welsh Judo | Ashley Bowen | ashleybow1@live.co.uk |
Western | Mike Guatieri | michaelguatieri@btinternet.com |
Yorkshire & Humberside | Cameron McDowall | ippon@mail.com |