1st4Sport Level 2

The 1st4Sport Level 2 Award in Coaching Judo is the second step on British Judo’s coaching pathway.

This course aims to provide candidates with an introduction to the processes and principles of coaching judo.

If you are already a qualified coach and are looking to develop your knowledge and skills to deliver better and more sessions at your club, then this is the course for you.

The learning programme and assessment for the 1st4Sport Level 2 is run over five days (four days where the learning programme is delivered and one day of assessments).

On successful completion of this course candidates will receive a 1st4Sport Level 2 coaching award and will be equipped to deliver sessions independently.

Also, to work alongside a 1st4Sport Level 3 judo coach during club or other relevant coaching sessions. 1st4Sport Level 2 coaches are also able to set up their own judo club(s) affiliated to the British Judo Association.

What do you need before you can sign up?

Course details

Candidates are required to complete the 15 module programme, an internal assessment and a personal action planning process as part of the training. This will be followed by a period of extended study and logged coaching practice prior to the final assessment. Candidates will work through the following units as part of this course:

  1. Understanding the Fundamentals of Coaching Sport
  2. Understanding how to Develop Participants through Coaching Sport
  3. Supporting Participants’ Lifestyle through Coaching Sport
  4. Understanding the Principles of Safe and Equitable Coaching Practice
  5. Plan a Series of Judo Coaching Sessions
  6. Prepare the Judo Coaching Environment
  7. Deliver a Series of Judo Coaching Sessions
  8. Monitor and Evaluate Judo Coaching Sessions

The final assessment day is held approximately 8 weeks after the learning programme has finished.

How much does the award cost?

The course costs £425.

When do I receive my certificate from the course?

In addition to attending a 1st4Sport Level 2 Judo Coach learning programme, candidates must complete an assessment and portfolio tasks.

Upon completion of the course, you will be a qualified as a coach but you will not be automatically be licensed.
This means that you will not be insured or recommended by British Judo to parents/players/clubs and other deployers.

Completion of the course will qualify you to be a coach but you will not be licensed or insured until the DBS, First Aid and Safeguarding certificates are completed.

Once the candidate receives their award, they will be required to attend three revalidation  events in every three year period.

Becoming a Licensed Coach

The BJA is committed to including learning at the heart of its coach education programme and has put in place a system that encourages coaches to grow and develop their knowledge and skills.

When a coach has qualified they will be required to have in place the following to gain  their BJA licence

Once the candidate receives their license they will be required to attend three revalidation events in every three year period to maintain their license.

Qualification   Safety Requirements   Benefits of being Licensed
BJA Level 5 coach First aid Certificate Recognised as a coach by BJA
BJA Level 4 coach DBS screened Insured
BJA Level 3 coach + Safeguarding and protecting children trained = Up to date
BJA Level 2 coach 3 x Coaching Revalidation sessions per  period Committed to safe practice
BJA Level 1 coach Valid BJA membership

Where can I do a 1st4Sport Level 2 course?

If you are interested in identifying and/or enrolling on any of our three levels of ‘Coach Award’, please complete the application form and allow us to help identify a suitable course for you.
