GB Judo Para Potential Days 2022
Do you have what it takes to be the next Chris Skelley or Elliot Stewart?
Following the success of our previous Para Potential Days, GB Judo are please to announce the next three days that will continue to be led by London 2012 Paralympic bronze medallist, Ben Quilter at the National Olympic and Paralympic Training Centre.
Saturday 18th June
Sunday 10th July
Saturday 10th September
Arrive at 10:30am for an 11:00am start. Finish 4pm
Attendees are advised to bring a drinks bottle, snacks and packed lunch, running/gym kit (both indoors and outdoors), shorts and t-shirt for under gi (if you do not own a gi, please ask) and most importantly, ENTHUSIASM!
Expect to be put through your paces with physical fitness sessions, both on the running track and in the gym. Along with judo technical and randori sessions.