Technical Grading Level 1
09:00 – 12:45
The aim of this module is to deliver, discuss and work with the technical requirement of British Judo’s ‘Mon and Kyu Grading Syllabus’ 1st to 9th Mon and the Kyu grade equivalent in order that coaches can confidently prepare and grade players Novice to 6th Mon and Novice to 5th Kyu.
Technical Grading Level 2
13:15 – 17:00
The aim of this module is to deliver, discuss and work with the technical requirement of British Judo’s ‘Mon and Kyu Grading Syllabus’ 10th to 18th Mon and the Kyu grade equivalent) in order that coaches can confidently prepare athletes for examination.
Use the booking form below to complete your registration.
Cost: £20 each or £30 for both
This is a British Judo Association Licensed Coach Education Course
No more entries are available after 15/03/25 thank you for your interest.