Safeguarding Update - October 2020
Welcome to the October Safeguarding update which includes information…

Introducing Parents In Sport Week 2020
Parents in Sport week is NSPCC's annual campaign to raise awareness…

UKAD publishes new UK Anti-Doping Rules for 2021
UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) has today published the 2021 UK Anti-Doping…

REDS Minors and Pre-Cadets Training Weekend Returns
This weekend saw the REDS Minors and Pre-Cadets take their turn…

Your British Judo Membership Pack Is Changing!
Your British Judo membership pack is due to change from today…

British Shadow Kata Championship Medalists Crowned
From April to August, starting at the height of the lockdown,…

Norwich Premier Judo Club first to re-open in Eastern Area
On 1st September Norwich Premier Judo Club re-opened its doors…