Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) 2017 Details
This Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) is being held to discuss…

CASE STUDY | Medway Park Renews Clubmark Status
Medway Park recently completed its Clubmark renewal, maintaining…

Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) 2017 Announced
This Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) is being held to discuss…

GB Judo Weekend Review: March 4 - 5 2017
It was a weekend that resulted in no medals for GB Judo but a…

PREVIEW | GB Judo Head to Poland and Czech Republic
Following a busy start to the judo squad, a squad of six GB senior…

Dan Grades Promotions - February 2017
Moving into the Dan grades is a special moment that all judoka…

Physiotherapist (0.6 FTE Contract) Recruitment
We are currently recruiting for the following position:

GB Judo Medal Round Up - February 2017
It has been a busy start for the GB Judo squad as the judo season…