The second Team league meeting is scheduled for May 14th at Breckland Leisure Centre, Thetford. Having kick-started a club Team League in 2016 the next stage is to expand into a tiered system.

However, this is only possible if the League is supported. Despite the name “Anglian” the League is open to all BJA or affiliated clubs in the UK. The rules and last year’s results can be found on the BJA website calendar and they are deliberately flexible to allow clubs to use players not registered with them.

This year Premiair Solutions have donated prize money, the distribution to be decided on the receipt of entries.

Last year Norwich Premier JC won the League.

Players male or female training with clubs that have too few seniors to raise a team should contact the Competition Controller who will make every effort to find a team for you.

Together we can grow a club league system within Great Britain.